1-62 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E0113 No expressions to evaluate.
The type of data in an argument is incompatible with the operation being performed.
Correct the program to evaluate compatible expressions.
ERROR CODE E0114 SQRT parameter is negative.
In the argument of a SQRT function, a negative number is entered for evaluation.
Example: “x=SQRT(-2)” causes an error. “x=SQRT(2)” is acceptable.
Do not enter negative numbers for SQRT function evaluation.
ERROR CODE E0115 Array suffix value outside range.
Occurs when the array suffix number exceeds the acceptable range from 0 to 9999.
Example: “DECOMPOSE x[10000]=a” causes an error. “DECOMPOSE x[1]=a” is ac-
Ensure the range of array suffixes are acceptable.
ERROR CODE E0116 Faulty or missing argument value.
Displayed when the parameter specified for a command or an instruction is illegal.
Example: “TOOL 2112” (after the TOOL command a defined transformation location or
null is expected, 2112 causes an error).
Use correct argument values
ERROR CODE E0117 Incorrect joint number.
The joint number entered does not exist or is in the wrong format.
Retype the command using the correct joint number and format.