1-133August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E5015 Gun status data disagrees with clamp condition.
(Servo spot weld gun only)
Incorrect program data is used.
Main causes include:
1. Clamp ON is taught in a step that includes a gun change.
2. Clamp OFF is taught in a step that includes a point for “wear measurement using
automatic clamping”, “wear measurement reference plate”, or “work position deviation
Ensure clamp OFF is taught in a step that includes a gun change.
Ensure clamp ON is taught in a step that includes a point for “wear measurement
using automatic clamping”, “wear measurement reference plate”, or “work position
deviation measurement”.
ERROR CODE E5016 Data of SRVPRESS is wrong.
This error occurs when the welding clamp pressure change cycle ratio number for the
servo gun is other than SRV3PRESS, SRV4PRESS, SRV5PRESS, or SRV6PRESS.
Ensure the cycle ratio number is set correctly.
ERROR CODE E5017 Wear base data is not registered.
This error occurs when the tip wear base data entry was not made and the tip wear
measurement operation is performed.
Ensure tip wear base data entry is performed before tip wear measurement operation
is performed.