1-113August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1162 Buffer overflow occurred gravity comp. value channel XX.
Gravity compensation value overflow due to mismatch of load weight and the set value.
Contact KRI customer service (include operating conditions/settings and operation
log at the time the error occurred)
ERROR CODE E1163 Robot stopped in checking operational area.
The robot stopped during auto load measurement and is unable to continue the opera-
Repair the cause of the robot stopping and re-execute auto load measurement
ERROR CODE E1164 [LSEQ] Program execution error in at control power ON.
(code XX)
Controller power is set OFF during KLogic program execution and the program did not
re-execute automatically at the next controller power-up.
Display the contents of the error message number displayed after the code (sub-code
XX) using the $ERROR function
Example: TYPE $ERROR (-11038)
ERROR CODE E1165 Unable to download ext. axis parameter. (Jt-A)
Download failed due to channel 7 parameter being downloaded by another process.
Re-execute parameter download.
If this error recurs, contact KRI customer service.
ERROR CODE E1166 Num. not assigned to specified channel. (Jt-A)
Channel is not assigned an axis number.
Assign an axis number to channel 7