1-176 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE P1019 PC program is running.
Occurs when a PC program is running and instructions are entered that are not allowed.
Allow the PC program to complete execution and re-enter the instructions.
Stop the PC program and re-enter the instruction.
ERROR CODE P1020 Cannot operate because teach pendant in operation.
Functions cannot be performed on the personal computer while the teach pendant is in
Perform functions on the PC after the teach pendant operation is completed.
ERROR CODE P1021 Cannot execute with DO command.
Displayed when the DO command is entered with an instruction that does not comply
with AS Language syntax.
Ensure command/instruction is in compliance with AS Language syntax and format.
ERROR CODE P1022 Cannot execute with MC instruction.
An improper MC instruction is entered.
Example: MC DO HOME.
The MC instruction is used with ABORT, CONTINUE, ERESET, EXECUTE, HOLD,
and SPEED only.
ERROR CODE P1023 Cannot execute in Robot program.
MC or PCSCAN instruction is used in a robot program.
MC or PCSCAN instructions are used in a PC programs only