Using Interswitch Protocols Configuring AMAP
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 10-5
Common Transmission and Remote Switches
If an AMAP switch is connected to multiple AMAP switches via a hub, the switch sends and receives
Hello traffic to and from the remote switches through the same port. If one of the remote switches stops
sending Hello packets and other remote switches continue to send Hello packets, the ports in the common
transmission state will remain in the common transmission state.
The inactive switch will eventually be aged out of the switch’s AMAP database because each remote
switch entry has a “last seen” field that is updated when Hello packets are received. The switch checks the
“last seen” field at least once every common timeout interval. Switch ports that are no longer “seen” may
still retain an entry for up to three common timeout intervals. The slow aging out prevents the port from
sending Hello packets right away to the inactive switch and creating additional unnecessary traffic.
Configuring AMAP
AMAP is active by default. In addition to disabling or enabling AMAP, you can view a list of adjacent
switches or configure the timeout intervals for Hello packet transmission and reception.
Enabling or Disabling AMAP
To display whether or not AMAP is active or inactive, enter the following command:
-> show amap
To activate AMAP on the switch, enter the following command:
-> amap enable
To deactivate AMAP on the switch, enter the following command:
-> amap disable
Configuring the AMAP Discovery Timeout Interval
The discovery timeout interval is used in both the discovery transmission state and the common transmis-
sion state to determine how long the port will wait for Hello packets. For ports in the discovery transmis-
sion state, this timer is also used as the interval between sending out Hello packets.
Note. Ports in the common transmission state send out Hello packets based on the common timeout inter-
val described later.
The discovery timeout interval is set to 30 seconds by default. To display the current discovery timeout
interval, enter the following command:
-> show amap
To change the discovery timeout interval, use either of these forms of the command with the desired value
(any value between 1 and 65535). Note that use of the time command keyword is optional. For example:
-> amap discovery 60
-> amap discovery time 60