Managing Policy Servers Modifying Policy Servers
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 23-5
Modifying the Port Number
To modify the port, enter the policy server command with the port keyword and the relevant port
-> policy server port 5000
Note that the port number must match the port number configured on the policy server.
If the port number is modified, any existing entry for that policy server is not removed. Another entry is
simply added to the policy server table.
Note. If you enable SSL, the port number is automatically set to 636. (This does not create another entry
in the port table.)
For example, if you configure a policy server with port 389 (the default), and then configure another
policy server with the same IP address but port number 5000, two entries will display on the show policy
server screen.
-> policy server
-> policy server port number 5000
-> show policy server
Server IP Address port enabled status primary
1 389 Yes Up X
2 5000 No Down -
To remove an entry, use the no form of the policy server command. For example:
-> no policy server port number 389
The first entry is removed from the policy server table.
Modifying the Policy Server Username and Password
A user name and password may be specified so that only specific users can access the policy server.
-> policy server user kandinsky password blue
If this command is entered, a user with a username of kandinsky and a password of blue will be able to
access the LDAP server to modify parameters on the server itself.
Modifying the Searchbase
The searchbase name is “o=alcatel.com” by default. To modify the searchbase name, enter the policy
server command with the searchbase keyword. For example:
-> policy server searchbase "ou=qo,o=company,c=us"
Note that the searchbase path must be a valid path in the server directory structure.