Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Monitoring
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 27-23
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 with a data file called “user_port” in the
/flash directory enter that will not overwrite older packets if the file size is exceeded enter:
-> port monitoring 6 source 2/3 file /flash/user_port overwrite on
Note. The size and no overwrite options can be entered on the same command line.
Suppressing Port Monitoring File Creation
By default, a file called pmonitor.enc is created when you configure and enable a port monitoring
session. To prevent file from being created use the port monitoring source CLI command by entering
port monitoring followed by the user-specified session ID number, source, the slot number of the port to
be monitored, a slash (/), the port number of the port, and no file.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 with no data file created enter:
-> port monitoring 6 source 2/3 no file
Configuring Port Monitoring Direction
By default, port monitoring sessions are bidirectional. To configure the direction of a port mirroring
session between a mirrored port and a mirroring port use the port monitoring source CLI command by
entering port monitoring followed by the user-specified session ID number, source, the slot number of
the port to be monitored, a slash (/), the port number of the port, and inport, outport, or bidirectional.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 as unidirectional and inward bound enter:
-> port monitoring 6 source 2/3 inport
To configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 as unidirectional and outward bound, for example,
-> port monitoring 6 source 2/3 outport
For example, to restore port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 to its bidirectional direction enter:
-> port monitoring 6 source 2/3 bidirectional