Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 13-29
Note. Specifying none removes all administrative states from the LACPDU configuration. For example:
-> lacp agg 7/49 partner admin state none
For example, to set bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) on dynamic aggregate partner port 49 in slot 7 you
would enter:
-> lacp agg 7/49 partner admin state active aggregate
As an option, you can use the ethernet, fastethernet, and gigaethernet keywords before the slot and port
number to document the interface type or make the command look consistent with early-generation Alca-
tel CLI syntax. For example, to set bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) on dynamic aggregate partner port 49
in slot 7 and document that the port is a Gigabit Ethernet port you would enter:
-> lacp agg gigaethernet 7/49 partner admin state active aggregate
Restoring Partner Port System Administrative State Values
To restore LACPDU bit settings to their default values use the no form of the lacp agg partner admin
state command by entering no before the active, timeout, aggregate, or synchronize keywords.
For example, to restore bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) to their default settings on dynamic aggregate
partner port 1 in slot 7 you would enter:
-> lacp agg 7/1 partner admin state no active no aggregate
synchronize Specifies that bit 3 in the partner state octet is enabled. When this bit is
set, the port is allocated to the correct dynamic aggregation group. If
this bit is not enabled, the port is not allocated to the correct aggrega-
tion group. By default, this value is disabled.
collect Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always deter-
mines its value. When this bit (bit 4) is set by the system, incoming
LACPDU frames are collected from the individual ports that make up
the dynamic aggregate group.
distribute Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always deter-
mines its value. When this bit (bit 5) is set by the system, distributing
outgoing frames on the port is disabled.
default Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always deter-
mines its value. When this bit (bit 6) is set by the system, it indicates
that the partner is using defaulted actor information administratively
configured for the partner.
expire Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always deter-
mines its value. When this bit (bit 7) is set by the system, the actor can-
not receive LACPDU frames.
Keyword Definition