OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 20-1
20 Managing Authentication
This chapter describes authentication servers and how they are used with the switch. The types of servers
described include Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP), and SecurID’s ACE/Server.
In This Chapter
The chapter includes some information about attributes that must be configured on the servers, but it
primarily addresses configuring the switch through the Command Line Interface (CLI) to communicate
with the servers to retrieve authentication information about users.
Configuration procedures described include:
• Configuring an ACE/Server. This procedure is described in “ACE/Server” on page 20-8.
• Configuring a RADIUS Server. This procedure is described in “RADIUS Servers” on page 20-9.
• Configuring an LDAP Server. This procedure is described in “LDAP Servers” on page 20-15.
For information about using servers for authenticating users to manage the switch, see the “Switch Secu-
rity” chapter in the OmniSwitch 6600 Family Switch Management Guide.
For information about using servers to retrieve authentication information for Layer 2 Authentication users
(authenticated VLANs), see Chapter 21, “Configuring Authenticated VLANs.”