Configuring Ethernet Ports Setting Ethernet Port Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 1-21
Configuring Flood Rate Values
By default, the flood rate is 42 Mbps on 10/100 ports and 496 Mbps on Gigabit ports. The interfaces
flood rate command can be used to configure the peak flood rate value on a specific port, a range of ports,
or all ports on a switch (slot) in megabits per second, ranging from 0 to 9 Mbps for Ethernet, 0 to 99 Mbps
for Fast Ethernet, or 0 to 999 Mbps for Gigabit Ethernet.
Note. The flood rate cannot be higher than line speed.
To configure the peak flood rate for an entire slot enter interfaces followed by the slot number, flood
rate, and the flood rate in bytes. For example, to configure the peak flood rate on slot 2 as 42 bytes enter:
-> interfaces 2 flood rate 42
To configure the peak flood rate for a single port enter interfaces followed by the slot number, a slash (/),
the port number, flood rate, and the flood rate in bytes. For example, to configure the peak flood rate on
port 3 on slot 2 as 42 bytes enter:
-> interfaces 2/3 flood rate 42
To configure the peak flood rate for a range of ports enter interfaces followed by the slot number, a slash
(/), the first port number, a hyphen (-), the last port number, flood rate, and the flood rate in bytes. For
example, to configure the peak flood rate on ports 1 through 3 on slot 2 as 42 bytes enter:
-> interfaces 2/1-3 flood rate 42
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example, to configure the peak flood rate on port 52 on slot 2 as 42 bytes and
document the port as Gigabit Ethernet enter:
-> interfaces gigaethernet 2/52 flood rate 42
Configuring a Port Alias
The interfaces alias command is used to configure an alias (i.e., description) for a single port. (You
cannot configure an entire switch or a range of ports.) To use this command enter interfaces followed by
the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, alias, and the text description, which can be up to 40 charac-
ters long.
For example, to configure an alias of “ip_phone1” for port 3 on slot 2 enter:
-> interfaces 2/3 alias ip_phone1
Note. Spaces must be contained within quotes (e.g., “IP Phone 1”).
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example, to configure an alias of “ip_phone1” for port 3 on slot 2 and docu-
ment the port as Fast Ethernet enter:
-> interfaces fastethernet 2/3 alias ip_phone1