Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 13-17
On an OmniSwitch 6624, 6600-U24, or 6600-P24 you must install either an OS6600-GNI-C2 or OS6600-
GNI-U2 expansion module in the left-hand expansion slot before you can use ports 25 and 26 for link
aggregation and you must install either an OS6600-GNI-C2 or OS6600-GNI-U2 expansion module in the
right-hand expansion/stacking slot before you can use ports 27 and 28 for link aggregation.
On an OmniSwitch 6648 you must install either an OS6600-GNI-C2 or OS6600-GNI-U2 expansion
module in the topmost expansion slot before you can use ports 49 and 50 for link aggregation and you
must install either an OS6600-GNI-C2 or OS6600-GNI-U2 expansion module in the bottommost expan-
sion/stacking slot before you can use ports 51 and 52 for link aggregation.
Note. On an OmniSwitch 6648 ports 49 and 50 and ports 51 and 52 cannot be configured to join the same
dynamic aggregate group.
For example, to configure ports 1, 2, and 3 in slot 4 with an administrative key of 10 you would enter:
-> lacp agg 4/1 actor admin key 10
-> lacp agg 4/2 actor admin key 10
-> lacp agg 4/3 actor admin key 10
Note. A port may belong to only one aggregate group. In addition, mobile ports cannot be aggregated. See
Chapter 7, “Assigning Ports to VLANs,” for more information on mobile ports.
You must execute the lacp agg actor admin key command on all ports in a dynamic aggregate group. If
not, the ports will be unable to join the group.
In addition, you can also specify optional parameters shown in the table below. These keywords must be
entered after actor admin key and the user-specified actor administrative key value.
Note. The actor admin state and partner admin state keywords have additional parameters, which are
described in “Modifying the Actor Port System Administrative State” on page 13-24 and “Modifying the
Partner Port System Administrative State” on page 13-28, respectively.
All of the optional keywords listed above for this command may be entered in any order as long as they
appear after the actor admin key keywords and their user-specified value.
For example, to configure actor administrative key of 10, a local system ID (MAC address) of
00:20:da:06:ba:d3, and a local priority of 65535 to slot 4 port 1, enter:
-> lacp agg 4/1 actor admin key 10 actor system id 00:20:da:06:ba:d3 actor
system priority 65535
lacp agg actor admin key
actor admin state
actor system priority
partner admin system priority
partner admin port priority
partner admin state
partner admin system id
actor port priority
actor system id
partner admin keypartner admin