About This Guide What is in this Manual?
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page xxvii
What is in this Manual?
This configuration guide includes information about configuring the following features:
• VLANs, VLAN router ports, mobile ports, and VLAN rules.
• Basic Layer 2 functions, such as Ethernet port parameters, source learning, Spanning Tree, and Alcatel
interswitch protocols (AMAP and GMAP).
• Advanced Layer 2 functions, such as 802.1Q tagging, Link Aggregation, and IP Multicast Switching.
• Basic routing protocols and functions, such as static IP routes, RIP, DHCP Relay, and Virtual Router
Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
• Security features, such as switch access control, Authenticated VLANs (AVLANs), authentication
servers, and policy management.
• Quality of Service (QoS) and Access Control Lists (ACLs) features, such as policy rules for prioritiz-
ing and filtering traffic, and remapping packet headers.
• Diagnostic tools, such as RMON, port mirroring, and switch logging.