Remote Monitoring (RMON) Overview Diagnosing Switch Problems
page 27-8 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Remote Monitoring (RMON) Overview
The following sections detail the specifications, defaults, and quick set up steps for the RMON feature.
Detailed procedures are found in “Remote Monitoring (RMON)” on page 27-25.
RMON Specifications
RFCs Supported 2819 - Remote Network Monitoring
Management Information Base
RMON Functionality Supported Basic RMON 4 group implementation
–Ethernet Statistics group
–History (Control and Statistics) group
–Alarms group
–Events group
RMON Functionality Not Supported RMON 10 group*
–Host group
–HostTopN group
–Matrix group
–Filter group
–Packet Capture group
(*An external RMON probe that includes
RMON 10 group and RMON2 may be used
where full RMON probe functionality is
Flavor (Probe Type) Ethernet/History/Alarm
Status Active/Creating/Inactive
History Control Interval (seconds) 1 to 3600
History Sample Index Range 1 to 65535
Alarm Interval (seconds) 1 to 2147483647
Alarm Startup Alarm Rising Alarm/Falling Alarm/
RisingOrFalling Alarm
Alarm Sample Type Delta Value/Absolute
RMON Traps Supported RisingAlarm/FallingAlarm
These traps are generated whenever an Alarm
entry crosses either its Rising Threshold or its
Falling Threshold and generates an event con-
figured for sending SNMP traps.