Setting Ethernet Port Parameters Configuring Ethernet Ports
page 1-18 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Enabling and Disabling Interfaces
The interfaces admin command is used to enable (the default) or disable a specific port, a range of ports,
or all ports on an entire switch (slot).
To enable or disable an entire slot enter interfaces followed by the slot number, admin, and the desired
administrative setting (either up or down). For example, to administratively disable slot 2 enter:
-> interfaces 2 admin down
To enable or disable a single port enter interfaces followed by the slot number, a slash (/), the port
number, admin, and the desired administrative setting (either up or down). For example, to administra-
tively disable port 3 on slot 2 enter:
-> interfaces 2/3 admin down
To enable or disable a range of ports enter interfaces followed by the slot number, a slash (/), the first port
number, a hyphen (-), the last port number, admin, and the desired administrative setting (either up or
down). For example, to administratively disable ports 1 through 3 on slot 2 enter:
-> interfaces 2/1-3 admin down
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example, to administratively disable port 3 on slot 2 and document the port as
Fast Ethernet:
-> interfaces fastethernet 2/3 admin down
Configuring Inter-frame Gap Values
Inter-frame gap is a measure of the minimum idle time between the end of one frame transmission and the
beginning of another. By default, the inter-frame gap is 12 bytes. The interfaces ifg command can be used
to configure the inter-frame gap value (in bytes) on a specific port, a range of ports, or all ports on a switch
(slot). Values for this command range from 9 to 12 bytes.
Note. This command is only valid on Gigabit ports. Gigabit Ethernet is supported only on ports 49 through
51 on the OmniSwitch 6648 and ports 25 through 28 on the OmniSwitch 6624 and 6600-U24 when Giga-
bit Ethernet expansion modules are installed.
To configure the inter-frame gap on an entire slot enter interfaces, followed by the slot number, ifg, and
the desired inter-frame gap value. For example, to set the inter-frame gap value on slot 2 to 10 bytes enter:
-> interfaces 2 ifg 10
To configure the inter-frame gap on a single port enter interfaces, followed by the slot number, a slash (/),
the port number, ifg, and the desired inter-frame gap value. For example, to set the inter-frame gap value
on port 52 on slot 2 to 10 bytes enter:
-> interfaces 2/52 ifg 10
To configure the inter-frame gap on a range of ports enter interfaces, followed by the slot number, a slash
(/), the first port number, a hyphen (-), the last port number, ifg, and the desired inter-frame gap value. For
example, to set the inter-frame gap value on ports 51 through 52 on slot 2 to 10 bytes enter:
-> interfaces 2/51-52 ifg 10