Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 13-11
Creating and Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group
The following subsections describe how to create and delete dynamic aggregate groups with the lacp
linkagg size command.
Creating a Dynamic Aggregate Group
To configure a dynamic aggregate group enter lacp linkagg, followed by the user-configured dynamic
aggregate number (which can be from 0 to 29), size, and the maximum number of links that will belong to
this dynamic aggregate group, which can be 2, 4, or 8 on a single switch or 2, 4, 8, or 16 on a stack. For
example, to configure dynamic aggregate group 2 consisting of eight (8) links enter:
-> lacp linkagg 2 size 8
You can create up to 4 link aggregation (both static and dynamic) groups on a single OmniSwitch 6624,
6600-U24, 6600-P24, or 6602-24 switch; up to 8 link aggregation groups on a single 6648 or 6602-48
switch; and up to 30 link aggregation groups per stack.
In addition, you can also specify optional parameters shown in the table below. These parameters must be
entered after size and the user-specified number of links.
For example, Alcatel recommends assigning the actor admin key when you create the dynamic aggregate
group to help ensure that ports are assigned to the correct group. To create a dynamic aggregate group
with aggregate number 3 consisting of two ports with an admin actor key of 10, for example, enter:
-> lacp linkagg 3 size 2 actor admin key 10
Note. The optional keywords for this command may be entered in any order as long as they are entered
after size and the user-specified number of links.
Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group
To remove a dynamic aggregation group configuration from a switch use the no form of the lacp linkagg
size command by entering no lacp linkagg followed by its dynamic aggregate group number.
For example, to delete dynamic aggregate group 2 from a switch’s configuration you would enter:
-> no lacp linkagg 2
Note. You cannot delete a dynamic aggregate group if it has any attached ports. To remove attached ports
you must disable the dynamic aggregate group with the lacp linkagg admin state command, which is
described in “Disabling a Dynamic Aggregate Group” on page 13-20.
lacp linkagg size keywords
actor system priority
partner system priority
admin state enable
admin state disable
actor system id
partner admin key
actor admin key
partner system id