Quick Steps for Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation
page 13-4 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Quick Steps for Configuring Dynamic Link
Follow the steps below for a quick tutorial on configuring a dynamic aggregate link between two switches.
Additional information on how to configure each command is given in the subsections that follow.
1 Create the dynamic aggregate group on the local (actor) switch with the lacp linkagg size command as
shown below:
-> lacp linkagg 2 size 8 admin key 5
2 Configure ports (the number of ports should be less than or equal to the size value set in Step 1) in
sequential order (beginning with port number 1, 9, 17, or 25 on the OmniSwitch 6624, 6600-U24, or 6602-
24; beginning with port number 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, or 51 on the OmniSwitch 6648; or beginning with
port number 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, or 49 on the OmniSwitch 6602-48) with the same actor administrative
key (which allows them to be aggregated) with the lacp agg actor admin key command. For example:
-> lacp agg 1/1 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 1/2 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 1/3 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 1/4 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 1/5 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 1/6 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 1/7 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 1/8 actor admin key 5
3 Create a VLAN for this dynamic link aggregate group with the vlan command. For example:
-> vlan 2 port default 2
4 Create the equivalent dynamic aggregate group on the remote (partner) switch with the lacp linkagg
size command as shown below:
-> lacp linkagg 2 size 8 admin key 5
5 Configure ports (the number of ports should be less than or equal to the size value set in Step 4) in
sequential order (beginning with port number 1, 9, 17, or 25 on the OmniSwitch 6624, 6600-U24, or 6602-
24; beginning with port number 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, or 51 on the OmniSwitch 6648; or beginning with
port number 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, or 49 on the OmniSwitch 6602-48) with the lacp agg actor admin key
command. For example:
-> lacp agg 2/9 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 2/10 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 2/11 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 2/12 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 2/13 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 2/14 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 2/15 actor admin key 5
-> lacp agg 2/16 actor admin key 5
6 Create a VLAN for this dynamic link aggregate group with the vlan command. For example:
-> vlan 2 port default 2