Creating an RDP Interface Configuring RDP
page 17-10 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Setting the Maximum Advertisement Interval
To set the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that RDP will allow between advertisements, use the
ip router-discovery interface max-advertisement-interval command. For example, the following
command sets this value to 1500 seconds for the Marketing IP router interface:
-> ip router-discovery interface Marketing max-advertisement-interval 1500
Make sure that the value specified with this command is greater than the current minimum advertisement
interval value. By default, this value is set to 600 seconds.
Setting the Minimum Advertisement Interval
To set the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that RDP will allow between advertisements, use the
ip router-discovery interface min-advertisement-interval command. For example, the following
command sets this value to 500 seconds for the Marketing IP router interface:
-> ip router-discovery interface Marketing min-advertisement-interval 500
Make sure that the value specified with this command is less than the current maximum advertisement
interval value. By default, this value is set to 0.75 * default maximum interval value (450 seconds if the
maximum interval is set to its default value of 600 seconds).
Setting the Advertisement Lifetime
The advertisement lifetime value indicates how long, in seconds, the router IP address contained in an
advertisement packet is considered valid by a host. This value is entered into the lifetime field of an adver-
tisement packet so that it is available to hosts that receive these types of packets.
If a host does not receive another packet from the same router before the lifetime value expires, it assumes
the router is no longer available and will drop the router IP address from its table. As a result, it is impor-
tant that the lifetime value is always greater than the current maximum advertisement interval to ensure
router transmissions occur before the lifetime value expires.
To set the advertisement lifetime value for packets transmitted from a specific RDP interface, use the
ip router-discovery interface advertisement-lifetime command. For example, the following command
sets this value to 3000 seconds for RDP packets sent from the Marketing IP router interface:
-> ip router-discovery interface Marketing advertisement-lifetime 3000
By default, the lifetime value is set to 3 * the current maximum interval value (1800 seconds if the maxi-
mum interval is set to its default value of 600 seconds).