Configuring Ethernet Ports Setting Ethernet Port Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 1-19
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example, to set the inter-frame gap value on port 52 on slot 2 to 10 bytes and
document the port as Gigabit Ethernet enter:
-> interfaces gigaethernet 2/52 ifg 10
Note. Since the interfaces ifg command is only supported on Gigabit interfaces only the gigaethernet
keyword should be used.
Resetting Statistics Counters
The interfaces no l2 statistics command is used to reset all Layer 2 statistics counters on a specific port, a
range of ports, or all ports on a switch (slot).
To reset Layer 2 statistics on an entire slot enter interfaces followed by the slot number and no l2
statistics. For example, to reset all Layer 2 statistics counters on slot 2 enter:
-> interfaces 2 no l2 statistics
To reset Layer 2 statistics on a single port enter interfaces followed by the slot number, a slash (/), the
port number, and no l2 statistics. For example, to reset all Layer 2 statistics counters on port 3 on slot 2
-> interfaces 2/3 no l2 statistics
To reset Layer 2 statistics on a range of ports enter interfaces followed by the slot number, a slash (/), the
first port number, a hyphen (-), the last port number, and no l2 statistics. For example, to reset all Layer 2
statistics counters on ports 1 through 3 on slot 2 enter:
-> interfaces 2/1-3 no l2 statistics
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example, to reset all Layer 2 statistics counters on port 3 on slot 2 and docu-
ment the port as Fast Ethernet:
-> interfaces fastethernet 2/3 no l2 statistics
Note. The show interfaces, show interfaces accounting, and show interfaces counters commands can
be used to display Layer 2 statistics (e.g., input and output errors, deferred frames received, unicast pack-
ets transmitted). For information on using these commands, see the OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide.