Switch Logging Commands Overview Using Switch Logging
page 28-10 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Disabling an IP Address from Receiving Switch Logging Output
To disable a particular IP address from receiving switch logging output, enter the following command:
-> no swlog output socket
No confirmation message will appear on the screen.
Note. It is not necessary to specify the IP address in the no swlog output socket command.
Displaying Switch Logging Status
You can display the current status of switch logging onto your console screen by using the show swlog
command. The following information is displayed:
• The enable/disable status of switch logging.
• A list of current output devices configured for switch logging.
• The switch logging severity level for each application that is not set to the “info” (6) setting.
The following is a sample display:
-> show swlog
Switch Logging is :
Log Device(s)
socket ipaddr
socket ipaddr
socket ipaddr
socket ipaddr
All Applications have their trace level set to the level 'info' (6)
For this example, switch logging is enabled. Switch logging information is being sent to the switch’s flash
memory and to the console. Additionally, the severity level for the chassis application ID has been set to
the “debug3” (or “9”) severity level.