OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 Index-1
trusted ports 38-20
802.1Q 25-1
application examples 25-9
defaults 25-2
enabling tagging 25-5, 25-6
frame type 25-7
overview 25-3
specifications 25-2
trusted ports 38-5, 38-20
verify information about 25-11
802.1Q ports
trusted 38-20
802.1X 36-1
Access Guardian 36-8
accounting 36-7
and authenticated VLANs 36-7
and DHCP 36-6
components 36-5
defaults 36-2
device classification policies 36-8
port authorization 36-11
port parameters 36-11
port timeouts 36-11
re-authentication 36-6, 36-12
specifications 36-2
802.1x command 36-2
802.1x initialize command 36-13
802.1x non-supplicant policy authentication
command 36-16
802.1x non-supplicant policy command 36-16
802.1x re-authenticate command 36-12
802.1x supplicant policy authentication command 36-15
see dynamic link aggregation
aaa accounting 802.1x command 36-13
aaa accounting vlan command 35-32, 35-35
aaa ace-server clear command 34-8
aaa authentication 802.1x command 36-10
and 802.1X port behavior 36-6
aaa authentication mac command 36-10
aaa authentication vlan multiple-mode command 35-32
aaa authentication vlan single-mode command 35-32
aaa avlan default dhcp command 35-31
aaa avlan dns command 35-29
aaa avlan http language command 35-8
aaa ldap-server command
LDAP authentication 34-25
aaa radius-server command 36-10
RADIUS authentication 34-14
aaa vlan no command 35-26
Access Control Lists
see ACLs
Access Guardian
802.1X device classification policies 36-8
accounting servers 35-35
for authentication 34-8
application examples 39-3, 39-24
bridged traffic 39-7
defaults 39-2
disposition 39-4, 39-8
interaction with VRRP 33-8
Layer 2 39-12
Layer 2 application examples 39-13
Layer 3 39-14
Layer 3 application examples 39-14
multicast 39-15
verify information about 39-22
combined with conditions 38-7
for ACLs 39-11
how to create 38-25
Address Resolution Protocol
see ARP
advertisements 31-8
destination address 31-9
IP address preference 31-11
lifetime 31-10
transmission interval 31-9
alerts 42-8
defaults 24-2
amap common time command 24-6
amap disable command 24-5
amap discovery time command 24-5
amap enable command 24-5
application examples
802.1Q 25-9
ACLs 39-3
assigning ports to VLANs 21-3
authenticated VLANs 35-5
authentication servers 34-4
DHCP Relay 32-4, 32-7, 32-8
dynamic link aggregation 27-4, 27-34
ethernet 15-4
ICMP policies 38-51
interswitch protocols 24-8
IP 28-3, 29-3
IPMS 40-11
Layer 2 ACLs 39-13
Layer 3 ACLs 39-14
memory monitoring 43-3
mobile ports 21-3, 21-6, 21-8