Index-2 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
policies 38-49
policy map groups 38-43
Port Mapping 23-2
port mirroring 41-5
port monitoring 41-7
QoS 38-22, 38-49
RIP 30-3
RMON 41-9
source learning 16-2
Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol 19-7, 19-29
static link aggregation 26-3, 26-16
switch health 41-11
switch logging 42-4
VLAN rules 22-3, 22-22
VLANs 18-3, 18-13, 21-3
VRRP 33-3, 33-15
applied configuration 38-46
how to verify 38-48
clearing the ARP cache 28-11
creating a permanent entry 28-10
deleting a permanent entry 28-10
dynamic entry 28-10
arp command 28-10
assigning ports to VLANs 18-7, 21-1
application examples 21-3
defaults 21-2
dynamic port assignment 21-4
static port assignment 21-4
authenticated mobile ports 18-12, 21-17
Authenticated Switch Access
LDAP VSAs 34-21
authenticated VLANs 18-12, 35-1
application example 35-5
DHCP Relay 32-6
port mobility 35-28
removing a user 35-26
with 802.1X 36-7
authentication clients
compared 35-7
see also AV-Client, Telnet, Web browser
used with authenticated VLANs 35-2
authentication servers
application example 34-4
defaults 34-3
how backups work 34-5
multiple mode 35-34
see LDAP authentication servers, RADIUS authentication
server authority mode 35-32
single mode 35-32
used for accounting 35-35
used with authenticated VLANs 35-2
automatic IP configuration 32-12
configured for DHCP 35-23
installing 35-12
avlan auth-ip command 35-27
avlan default-traffic command 35-27
avlan port-bound command 35-28
backup router
VRRP 33-6
binding VLAN rules 22-6, 22-14
see Bridge Protocol Data Units
bridge mode command 19-9
Bridge Protocol Data Units
contents 19-5
bridge slot/port command 19-18
built-in port groups 38-11
clear arp-cache command 28-11
condition groups
for ACLs 38-34, 39-10
MAC groups 38-38
network groups 38-35
port groups 38-39
sample configuration 38-34
service groups 38-37
verify information about 38-42
combined with actions 38-7
configuring 38-24
for ACLs 39-10
how to create 38-24
see also condition groups
testing before applying 38-32
valid combinations 38-6
valid combinations for ACLs 39-7
configuration snapshot command 43-1
custom (user) VLAN rules 22-7
debug memory monitor command 43-4
debug memory monitor show log command 43-3, 43-5
debug memory monitor show log global command 43-6
debug memory monitor show log size command 43-9
debug memory monitor show log task command 43-7
debug messages 42-8
debugging memory
see memory monitoring
default route
IP 28-9
802.1Q 25-2
802.1X 36-2
ACLs 39-2
AMAP 24-2
assigning ports to VLANs 21-2
authentication servers 34-3
DHCP Relay 32-3