
Index-6 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
LDAP servers
see policy servers
used for QoS policies 37-3
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
see LDAP servers
line speed 15-16
link aggregation
802.1Q 25-6
dynamic link aggregation 27-1
enabling tagging 25-6
Spanning Tree parameters 19-21, 19-23, 19-25, 19-27,
static link aggregation 26-1
logged events
detail level 38-15
sent to PolicyView 38-15
sent to the console 38-15
types of events 38-14
MAC address table 16-1, 16-4
aging time 16-7
duplicate MAC addresses 16-5, 16-6
learned MAC addresses 16-4
static MAC addresses 16-4
MAC address VLAN rules 22-6
MAC addresses
aging time 16-7, 19-17
dynamic link aggregation 27-21, 27-23, 27-25, 27-30
learned 16-4
statically assigned 16-4
mac-address-table aging-time command 28-11
mac-address-table command 16-4
mac-address-table-aging-time command 16-7
map groups 38-43
application 38-51
how to create 38-44
verify information about 38-45
master router
VRRP 33-5
memory monitoring 43-1
application examples 43-3
defaults 43-2
enabling/disabling 43-4
global statistics 43-6
memory monitor log 43-5
overview 43-4
size statistics 43-9
specifications 43-2
task statistics 43-7
mobile port properties 21-16
authentication 21-17
BPDU ignore 21-11
default VLAN membership 21-13
restore default VLAN 21-13
mobile ports 21-11
application examples 21-3, 21-6, 21-8
authentication 18-12
defaults 21-2
dynamic VLAN port assignment 21-4, 21-13
secondary VLANs 21-13
trusted 38-5, 38-20
VLAN rules 22-1
network address VLAN rules 22-6
OSPF 30-4
pending configuration 38-46
pending policies
deleting 38-47
testing 38-32
Per VLAN DHCP 32-10
IP 28-23
ping command 28-23
application examples 38-49
applied 38-46
built-in 38-11
conditions 38-24
for ACLs 39-11
how the switch uses them 38-4
precedence 38-27, 39-5
rules 38-26
verify information about 38-30
policies configured via PolicyView 38-48
policy action 802.1p command 38-21
policy action command 38-20, 38-22
policy action map command 38-43
policy actions
see actions
policy condition command 38-22
policy conditions
see conditions
policy mac group command 38-34, 39-10
policy MAC groups 38-38
policy map group command 38-43
policy map groups
application example 38-43
policy network group command 38-34, 39-10
policy network groups 38-35
switch default group 38-11, 38-35
policy port group command 38-34, 39-10
policy port groups 38-39
policy rule command 38-22
policy server command 37-4
defaults 37-2