Remote Monitoring (RMON) Diagnosing Switch Problems
page 27-28 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Displaying RMON Tables
Two separate commands can be used to retrieve and view Remote Monitoring data: show rmon probes
and show rmon events. The retrieved statistics appear in a table format (a collection of related data that
meets the criteria specified in the command you entered). These RMON tables can display the following
kinds of data (depending on the criteria you’ve specified):
• The show rmon probes command can display a list of current RMON probes, or statistics for a partic-
ular RMON probe.
• The show rmon events command can display a list of RMON events (actions that occur in response to
Alarm conditions detected by an RMON probe), or statistics for a particular RMON event.
Displaying a List of RMON Probes
To view a list of current RMON probes, enter the show rmon probes command with the probe type with-
out specifying an entry number for a particular probe.
For example, to show a list of the statistics probes, enter:
-> show rmon probes stats
A display showing all current statistics RMON probes should appear, as shown in the following example:
Entry Slot/Port Flavor Status Duration System Resources
4001 4/1 Ethernet Active 00:25:00 275 bytes
4008 4/8 Ethernet Active 00:25:00 275 bytes
4005 4/5 Ethernet Active 00:25:00 275 bytes
This table entry displays probe statistics for all probes on the switch. The probes are active, utilize 275
bytes of memory, and 25 minutes have elapsed since the last change in status occurred.
To show a list of the history probes, enter:
-> show rmon probes history
A display showing all current history RMON probes should appear, as shown in the following example:
Entry Slot/Port Flavor Status Duration System Resources
1 1/1 History Active 92:52:20 5464 bytes
30562 1/35 History Active 00:31:22 312236 bytes
30817 1/47 History Active 00:07:31 5200236 bytes
The table entry displays statistics for RMON History probes on the switch.
To show a list of the alarm probes, enter:
-> show rmon probes alarm
A display showing all current alarm RMON probes should appear, as shown in the following example:
Entry Slot/Port Flavor Status Duration System Resources
31927 1/35 Alarm Active 00:25:51 608 bytes