OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 Index-7
policy server flush command 37-6
compared to qos flush command 37-7
policy server load command 37-6
policy servers
defaults 37-2
downloading policies 37-6
installing 37-3
SSL 37-6
policy service command 39-10
policy service group command 38-34, 39-10
policy service groups 38-37
policy services 38-36
LDAP policy servers 37-1
Port Based Network Access Control
see 802.1X
Port Mapping 23-1
application examples 23-2
defaults 23-2
specifications 23-2
port mapping command 23-2
Port Mapping Session
creating and deleting 23-3
enabling and disabling 23-4
port mirroring 41-12
application examples 41-5
defaults 41-4
direction 41-17
displaying status 41-18
enabling/disabling 41-16
specifications 41-3
unblocking ports 41-15
port mirroring command 41-18
port mirroring session
creating 41-15
deleting 41-19
enabling/disabling 41-18
port mirroring source destination command 41-15, 41-16,
port mobility
see mobile ports
port monitoring
application examples 41-7
configuring 41-20
creating a data file 41-22
defaults 41-6
deleting a session 41-21
direction 41-23
disabling a session 41-21
enabling a session 41-21
file overwriting 41-22
file size 41-22
overview 41-20
pausing a session 41-21
resuming a session 41-21
session persistence 41-22
specifications 41-6
suppressing file creation 41-23
port monitoring command 41-21
port monitoring source command 41-20, 41-21, 41-22,
port VLAN rules 22-7
802.1Q 25-5
displaying QoS information about 38-21
enabling tagging 25-5
mobile ports 21-11
Spanning Tree parameters 19-19
trusted 38-20
VLAN assignment 18-7, 21-1
ACLs 39-5
for policies 38-27, 39-5
protocol VLAN rules 22-6
application examples 38-22, 38-49
ASCII-file-only syntax 38-23
configuration overview 38-12
defaults 38-9
enabled/disabled 38-13
fragment classification 38-17
interaction with other features 38-5
overview 38-3
quick steps for creating policies 38-22
traffic prioritization 38-49
qos apply command 38-46
global configuration 38-46
policy and port configuration 38-46
testing conditions 38-32
qos classify fragments command 38-11, 38-17
qos classifyl3 bridged command 38-18, 39-14
qos clear log command 38-16
qos command 38-13
qos default bridged disposition command 38-11, 38-13
qos default bridged disposition command
used for ACLs 39-8
qos default multicast disposition command 38-11, 38-13
qos default routed disposition command 38-11, 38-13
used for ACLs 39-8
qos flow timeout command 38-17
qos flush command 38-47
compared to policy server flush command 37-7
qos forward log command 38-15
qos fragment timeout command 38-17
QoS log
cleared 38-16
displayed 38-16
number of display lines 38-14
see also logged events
qos log level command 38-15
qos port command 38-20
qos port trusted command 38-21
qos reset command 38-18
qos revert command 38-47