Configuring Ethernet Ports Setting Ethernet Port Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 1-17
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example, to configure the line speed on slot 2 port 3 at 100 Mbps and docu-
ment the interface type as Fast Ethernet enter:
-> interfaces fastethernet 2/3 speed 100
Note. Copper Gigabit Ethernet ports are always set to auto.
Configuring Duplex Mode
The interfaces duplex command is used to configure the duplex mode on a specific port, a range of ports,
or all ports on a switch (slot) to full (full duplex mode), half (half duplex mode), auto (auto-negotiation).
(The Auto option causes the switch to advertise all available duplex modes (half/full/both) for the port
during autonegotiation.) In full duplex mode, the interface transmits and receives data simultaneously. In
half duplex mode, the interface can only transmit or receive data at a given time. (Available settings for
this command depend on the available line speeds of your hardware interface. See “OmniSwitch 6648” on
page 1-6, “OmniSwitch 6624” on page 1-7, “OmniSwitch 6600-U24” on page 1-7, “OmniSwitch 6600-
P24” on page 1-8, “OmniSwitch 6602-24” on page 1-8, and “OmniSwitch 6602-48” on page 1-9 for more
Note. The Auto option sets both the duplex mode and line speed settings to auto-negotiation.
To configure the duplex mode on an entire slot enter interfaces followed by the slot number, duplex, and
the desired duplex setting (auto, full, or half). For example, to set the duplex mode on slot 2 to full enter:
-> interfaces 2 duplex full
To configure the duplex mode on a single port enter interfaces followed by the slot number, a slash (/),
the port number, duplex, and the desired duplex setting (auto, full, or half). For example, to set the
duplex mode on port 3 on slot 2 to full enter:
-> interfaces 2/3 duplex full
To configure the duplex mode on a range of ports enter interfaces followed by the slot number, a slash (/),
the first port number, a hyphen (-), the last port number, duplex, and the desired duplex setting (auto, full,
or half). For example, to set the duplex mode on ports 1 through 3 on slot 2 to full enter:
-> interfaces 2/1-3 duplex full
As an option, you can document the interface type by entering ethernet, fastethernet, or gigaethernet
before the slot number. For example, to set the duplex mode on port 3 on slot 2 and document the port as
Fast Ethernet enter:
-> interfaces fastethernet 2/3 duplex full