Modifying IPMS Parameters Configuring IP Multicast Switching
page 26-10 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
Restoring the Querier Timeout
To restore the neighbor querier to its default (i.e., 260 seconds) value you use the no form of the ip
multicast querier-timeout command by entering:
-> ip multicast no querier-timeout
Modifying the Flow Timeout
The default multicast flow timeout (i.e., the time in seconds a multicast flow entry is retained by a switch
after the last packet in the flow is processed) is 120 seconds in OmniSwitch 7700/7800/8800 switches and
64800 seconds in OmniSwitch 6600 Series. The following subsections describe how to configure a user-
specified multicast flow-timeout value and how to restore it with the ip multicast flow-timeout command
Configuring the Flow Timeout
You can modify the multicast flow-timeout from 0 to 65535 seconds by entering ip multicast flow-time-
out followed by the new value. For example, to set the flow timeout to 360 seconds you would enter:
-> ip multicast flow-timeout 360
Restoring the Flow Timeout
To restore the multicast flow-timeout to its default (i.e., 120 seconds in OmniSwitch 7700/7800/8800
switches and 64800 seconds in OmniSwitch 6600 Series) value use ip multicast flow-timeout, followed
by the value 0.
-> ip multicast flow-timeout 0
Modifying the Querier Aging and Election Timeout
The default IPMS querier aging and election timeout (i.e., the time for which a currently elected querier is
aged and a new multicast querier is elected) is 255 seconds. The following subsections describe how to
configure a user-specified querier aging and election timeout value and how to restore it with the
ip multicast other-querier-timeout command.
Configuring the Querier Aging and Election Timeout
You can modify the IPMS querier aging and election timeout from 0 to 4294967295 seconds by entering
ip multicast other-querier-timeout followed by the new value. For example, to set the querier aging and
election timeout to 120 seconds you would enter:
-> ip multicast other-querier-timeout 120
Restoring the Querier Aging and Election Timeout
To restore the querier aging and election timeout to its default (i.e., 255 seconds) value you use the no
form of the ip multicast other-querier-timeout command by entering:
-> ip multicast no other-querier-timeout