Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation
page 13-20 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
For example, to name dynamic aggregate group 4 “Engineering” you would enter:
-> lacp linkagg 4 name Engineering
Note. If you want to specify spaces within a name, the name must be enclosed with quotes. For example:
-> lacp linkagg 4 name "Engineering Lab"
Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group Name
To remove a dynamic aggregate group name from a switch’s configuration use the no form of the lacp
linkagg name command by entering lacp linkagg followed by the dynamic aggregate group number and
no name.
For example, to remove any user-configured name from dynamic aggregate group 4 you would enter:
-> lacp linkagg 4 no name
Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Administrative State
By default, the dynamic aggregate group administrative state is enabled. The following subsections
describe how to enable and disable a dynamic aggregate group’s administrative state with the
lacp linkagg admin state command.
Enabling a Dynamic Aggregate Group
To enable the dynamic aggregate group administrative state enter lacp linkagg followed by the dynamic
aggregate group number and admin state enable. For example, to enable dynamic aggregate group 4 you
would enter:
-> lacp linkagg 4 admin state enable
Disabling a Dynamic Aggregate Group
To disable a dynamic aggregate group’s administrative state use the lacp linkagg admin state command
by entering lacp linkagg followed by the dynamic aggregate group number and admin state disable.
For example, to disable dynamic aggregate group 4 you would enter:
-> lacp linkagg 4 admin state disable
Configuring and Deleting the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor
Administrative Key
The following subsections describe how to configure and delete a dynamic aggregate group actor adminis-
trative key with the lacp linkagg actor admin key command.
Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Actor Administrative Key
To configure the dynamic aggregate group actor switch administrative key enter lacp linkagg followed by
the dynamic aggregate group number, actor admin key, and the value for the administrative key, which
can be 0 through 65535.
For example, to configure dynamic aggregate group 4 with an administrative key of 10 you would enter:
-> lacp linkagg 4 actor admin key 10