
Managing Authentication Servers Server Overview
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 20-5
Server Overview
Authentication servers are sometimes referred to as AAA servers (authentication, authorization, and
accounting). These servers are used for storing information about users who want to manage the switch
(Authenticated Switch Access) and users who need access to a particular VLAN or VLANs (Authenti-
cated VLANs).
RADIUS or LDAP servers may be used for Authenticated Switch Access and/or Authenticated VLANs.
Another type of server, SecurID’s ACE/Server, may be used for authenticated switch access only; the
ACE/Server is an authentication-only server (no authorization or accounting). Only RADIUS servers are
supported for 802.1X Port-Based Network Access Control.
The following table describes how each type of server may be used with the switch:
Backup Authentication Servers
Each RADIUS and LDAP server may have one backup host (of the same type) configured through the aaa
radius-server and aaa ldap-server commands respectively. In addition, each authentication method
(Authenticated Switch Access, Authenticated VLANs, or 802.1X) may specify a list of backup authentica-
tion servers that includes servers of different types (if supported on the feature).
The switch uses the first available authentication server to attempt to authenticate users. If user informa-
tion is not found on the first available server, the authentication attempts fails.
Authenticated Switch Access
When RADIUS and/or LDAP servers are set up for Authenticated Switch Access, the switch polls the
server for user login information. The switch also polls the server for privilege information (authoriza-
tion) if it has been configured on the server; otherwise, the local user database is polled for the privileges.
For RADIUS and LDAP, additional servers may be configured as backups.
Server Type
Authenticated Switch
Authenticated VLANs
802.1X Port-Based
Network Access Control
ACE/Server yes (except SNMP) no no
RADIUS yes (except SNMP) yes yes
LDAP yes (including SNMP) yes no