Diagnosing Switch Problems Monitoring Switch Health
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 27-35
Displaying Health Threshold Limits
The show health threshold command is used to view all current health thresholds on the switch, as well
as individual thresholds for input traffic (RX), output/input traffic (TX/RX), memory usage, CPU usage
and chassis temperature.
To view all health thresholds, enter the following command:
-> show health threshold
Rx Threshold = 80
TxRx Threshold = 80
Memory Threshold = 80
CPU Threshold = 80
Temperature Threshold = 50
To display a specific health threshold, enter the show health threshold command, followed by the appro-
priate suffix syntax:
• rx
• txrx
• memory
• cpu
• temperature
For example, if you want to view only the health threshold for memory usage, enter the following
-> show health threshold memory
Memory Threshold = 80
Note. For detailed definitions of each of the threshold types, refer to “Configuring Resource and Tempera-
ture Thresholds” on page 27-34, as well as Chapter 1, “Health Monitoring Commands,” in the OmniSwitch
CLI Reference Guide.