Usage: [no] dhcp-snooping verify <mac>
Description: Enable/Disable DHCP packet validation.
o <mac> - Verify DHCP header client hardware address eld
and the source mac address match for packets received
on untrusted ports. If 'no' is specied this check is
omitted. The default is to verify the macs.
Next Available Option:
■ mac -- Verify DHCP header client hardware address.(p. 168)
■ dhcp-snooping vlan
Usage: [no] dhcp-snooping vlan [VLAN-ID-RANGE ...]
Description: Enable/Disable snooping on a VLAN.
Note that DHCP snooping must also be globally
enabled with the 'dhcp-snooping' command for
snooping to performed on any VLAN. The default state
is disabled.
o VLAN-ID-RANGE - VLAN list on which to enable/disable snooping.
Next Available Option:
■ vlan-list -- (VLAN-ID-RANGE) (p. 170)
■ [no] dhcp-snooping vlan VLAN-ID-RANGE
170© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
dhcp-snoopingCommand Line Interface Reference Guide