■ show ip helper-address
Usage: show ip helper-address [vlan <VLAN-ID>]
Description: Show DHCP servers where DHCP requests received by the
switch are to be forwarded.
Next Available Option:
■ vlan -- Specify a vlan for which to show server addresses. (VLAN-ID) (p. 603)
■ show history
Usage: show history
Description: Show previously entered commands.
■ show radius host IP-ADDR
Usage: show radius host <IP-ADDR>
Description: Show statistics information for the RADIUS host.
Next Available Option:
■ dyn-authorization -- (p. 549)
■ show crypto host-cert
Display https certicate information.
■ show crypto host-public-key
Display ssh host RSA public key.
Next Available Options:
■ babble -- Display phonetic hash.(p. 533)
■ fingerprint -- Display hexadecimal hash.(p. 552)
■ show ip host-public-key
Usage: show ip host-public-key [babble|ngerprint]
Description: Display the SSH host RSA public key. The 'babble' and
'ngerprint' options display a phonetic or hexadecimal
hash instead of displaying the numeric values.
Next Available Options:
■ babble -- Display phonetic hash.(p. 533)
555© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide