■ view -- Show views. (p. 602)
■ VIEW-NAME -- Set view name. (ASCII-STR) (p. 603)
■ SUB-TREE -- Set the OID of the tree. (ASCII-STR) (p. 596)
■ show sntp -- Show configured time protocol and servers (p. 592)
■ show spanning-tree -- Show spanning tree information (p. 592)
■ bpdu-protection -- Show spanning tree BPDU protection status information. (p. 535)
■ port-list -- Limit the port information printed to the set of the specified ports. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 578)
■ config -- Show spanning tree configuration information. (p. 540)
■ instance -- Show the spanning tree instance information. (p. 557)
■ ist -- Show the information for the internal spanning tree (IST) instance. (p. 563)
■ MSTID < 1 to 16 > -- Spanning tree instance ID for which to show the information. (p.
■ debug-counters -- Show spanning tree debug counters information. (p. 545)
■ instance < 0 to 16 > -- Show spanning tree instance debug counters information. (NUMBER)
(p. 557)
■ ports -- Show spanning tree port(s) debug counters information. ([ethernet] PORT-LIST)
(p. 580)
■ ports -- Show spanning tree port(s) debug counters information. ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p.
■ instance < 0 to 16 > -- Show spanning tree instance debug counters information.
(NUMBER) (p. 557)
■ detail -- Show spanning tree extended details Port, Bridge, Rx, and Tx report. (p. 546)
■ instance -- Show the spanning tree instance information. (p. 557)
■ ist -- Show the information for the internal spanning tree (IST) instance. (p. 563)
■ detail -- Show spanning tree extended details Port, Bridge, Rx, and Tx report. (p. 546)
■ MSTID < 1 to 16 > -- Spanning tree instance ID for which to show the information. (p. 572)
■ detail -- Show spanning tree extended details Port, Bridge, Rx, and Tx report. (p. 546)
■ mst-config -- Show multiple spanning tree region configuration. (p. 571)
■ pending -- Show spanning tree pending configuration (p. 576)
■ instance -- Show multiple spanning tree instance pending configuration information. (p.
■ ist -- Show the information for the internal spanning tree (IST) instance. (p. 563)
■ MSTID < 1 to 16 > -- Spanning tree instance ID for which to show the information. (p.
■ mst-config -- Show multiple spanning tree pending region configuration. (p. 571)
■ port-list -- Limit the port information printed to the set of the specified ports. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 578)
■ config -- Show spanning tree configuration information. (p. 540)
■ instance -- Show the spanning tree instance information. (p. 557)
■ ist -- Show the information for the internal spanning tree (IST) instance. (p. 563)
■ MSTID < 1 to 16 > -- Spanning tree instance ID for which to show the information.
(p. 572)
■ detail -- Show spanning tree extended details Port, Bridge, Rx, and Tx report. (p. 546)
■ instance -- Show spanning tree instance status information. (p. 557)
■ ist -- Show the information for the internal spanning tree (IST) instance. (p. 563)
■ detail -- Show spanning tree extended details Port, Bridge, Rx, and Tx report. (p. 546)
■ MSTID < 1 to 16 > -- Spanning tree instance ID for which to show the information. (p.
■ detail -- Show spanning tree extended details Port, Bridge, Rx, and Tx report. (p. 546)
■ pvst-filter -- Show spanning tree PVST filter status information. (p. 582)
■ port-list -- Limit the port information printed to the set of the specified ports. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 578)
521© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide