■ ip igmp auto [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Usage: ip igmp auto [ethernet] PORT-LIST
Description: Instruct the device to monitor incoming multicast trafc
on the specied ports (this is the default behavior). This
feature is congured on a per-VLAN basis.
■ [no] ip route IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH blackhole
Specify that packets are silently discarded with no ICMP message sent.
Next Available Option:
■ distance < 1 to 255 > -- Set the administrative distance to associate with this static route.(p.
■ ip igmp blocked [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Usage: ip igmp blocked [ethernet] PORT-LIST
Description: Instruct the device to drop incoming multicast packets
received on the specied ports. This feature is
congured on a per-VLAN basis.
■ [no] ip icmp echo broadcast-request
Usage: [no] ip icmp echo broadcast-request
Description: Enable/disable echo replies to broadcast echo requests.
Supported Values:
■ Min
■ Max
■ [no] ip icmp burst-normal < 0 to 1000000 >
Usage: ip icmp burst-normal <0-1000000>
Description: The maximum number of icmp replies to send per second.
The default value is 1000.
Range: < 0 to 1000000 >
■ [no] ip ssh cipher < aes128-cbc | 3des-cbc | aes192-cbc | ... >
Specify a cipher to enable/disable.
Supported Values:
■ aes128-cbc
296© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
ipCommand Line Interface Reference Guide