conguration. The VLAN for which the conguration is
applied can be specied implicitly by preceding the
phrase 'ip address' with the 'vlan VLAN-ID' keyword and
argument. It can also be called explicitly when called
directly from a VLAN context. In the latter case the
command affects the VLAN identied by the context.
o dhcp-bootp - The switch attempts to get its conguration from a
DHCP/Bootp server.
o IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH - Assign an IP address to the switch or VLAN.
The IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH may be specied in two ways using the
following syntax:
ip address
ip address
Both of the statements above would have the same effect.
Multiple addresses may be congured on a single VLAN.
Next Available Options:
■ ip-addr -- Interface IP address/mask. (IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH) (p. 241)
■ dhcp-bootp -- Configure the interface to use DHCP/Bootp server to acquire parameters.(p. 230)
■ [no] interface svlan VLAN-ID ipv6 address
Usage: [no] ipv6 address [dhcp|autocong|IPv6-ADDR/PREFIX-LEN]
Description: Set IPv6 parameters for communication within an IP network.
Each VLAN represents an IPv6 interface having its own unique
conguration. The VLAN for which the conguration is
applied can be specied implicitly by preceding the
phrase 'ipv6 address' with the 'vlan VLAN-ID' keyword and
argument. It can also be called explicitly when called
directly from a VLAN context. In the latter case the
command affects the VLAN identied by the context.
o autocong - Enables automatic address conguration of IPv6
addresses using stateless conguration of an interface .
o dhcp - The switch attempts to get its conguration from a
DHCPv6 server.
o IPv6-ADDR/PREFIX-LEN-Assign an IPv6 address to the switch or VLAN.
The IPv6-ADDR/PREFIX-LEN may be specied in four ways using the
following syntax:
ipv6 address 1234:abcd::5678/40
ipv6 address 2001:0db8:1:1:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe/64 anycast
ipv6 address 2001:0db8:0:1::/64 eui-64
Only link-local addreses are congured without PREFIX-LEN as below:
ipv6 address FE80:0:0:0:0123:0456:0789:0abc link-local
Multiple addresses may be congured on a single VLAN.
Next Available Options:
■ autoconfig -- Automatic address configuration.(p. 225)
■ dhcp -- Configure a DHCPv6 client.(p. 230)
■ ipv6-addr -- Configure a link-local IPv6 address. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 245)
218© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide