Usage: [no] ip ospf [...]
Description: congure Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
protocol parameters on the interface.
Called without 'no', the command congures OSPF parameter on
interface. Otherwise ('no' is specied), the command remove
specied ospf parameter on the interface. Use 'ip ospf ?' to
get a list of all possible options.
Next Available Options:
■ ip-addr -- Specify the IP address the request is for. (IP-ADDR) (p. 241)
■ all -- Process the request for all IP addresses.(p. 219)
■ [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf
Usage: [no] ip ospf [...]
Description: Enable/disable/congure Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
protocol on the VLAN interface.
Called without 'no', the command enables OSPF on the interface.
Otherwise ('no' is specied), the command disables OSPF on the
interface. The command can be followed by an OSPF conguration
command. Use 'ip ospf ?' to get a list of all possible options.
This is a VLAN context command. It can be called directly
from the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID'
Next Available Options:
■ passive -- Configures an ospf interface as passive. (p. 258)
■ area -- Specify an OSPF area.(p. 221)
■ authentication-key -- Set simple authentication method and key.(p. 223)
■ authentication -- Disable authentication.(p. 223)
■ md5-auth-key-chain -- Set MD5 authentication method and key chain.(p. 250)
■ cost < 1 to 65535 > -- Set metric of this interface.(p. 229)
■ dead-interval < 1 to 65535 > -- Set dead interval in seconds; the default is 40.(p. 229)
■ hello-interval < 1 to 65535 > -- Set hello interval in seconds; the default is 10.(p. 236)
■ priority < 0 to 255 > -- Set priority of this router as a designated router.(p. 265)
■ retransmit-interval < 1 to 3600 > -- Set retransmit interval in seconds; the default is 5.(p. 273)
■ transit-delay < 1 to 3600 > -- Set transit delay in seconds; the default is 1.(p. 279)
■ ip-addr -- Specify the IP address the request is for. (IP-ADDR) (p. 241)
■ all -- Process the request for all IP addresses.(p. 219)
■ [no] interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST rate-limit all out
Set limits for all outbound trafc.
Next Available Options:
■ percent < 0 to 100 > -- Specify limit as percent of inbound or outbound traffic.(p. 258)
■ kbps < 0 to 10000000 > -- Specify limit of allowed inbound or outbound traffic in
kilobits-per-second on the specified port(s). Actual limits are in steps of 100Kbps to 100Mbps
(granularity is 1% of the lowest related media speed). (p. 246)
257© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide