
-Disable the port from sending advertisements of existing GVRP-created VLANs on
the switch.
-Drop all GVRP advertisements received on the port.
3. If you disable the use of dynamic VLANs in an authentication session using the
no aaa port-access gvrp-vlans command, client sessions that were authenticated
with a dynamic VLAN continue and are not deauthenticated. However, if a
RADIUS-congured dynamic VLAN used for an authentication session is deleted
from the switch through normal GVRP operation (for example, if no GVRP
advertisements for the VLAN are received on any switch port), authenticated clients
using this VLAN are deauthenticated.
aaa port-access supplicant [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST held-period < 0 to 65535 >
Set the held period (default 60sec.).
Range: < 0 to 65535 >
[no] aaa port-access web-based ewa-server HOST-NAME
Hostname of the enhanced web auth server.
Next Available Option:
page-path -- Sets the path of the login pages to be found on the ewa server. (ASCII-STR) (p.
aaa port-access supplicant [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST identity IDENTITY
Set the identity(user name) to be used by the supplicant.
Next Available Option:
secret -- (p. 50)
aaa port-access authenticator [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST initialize
Reinitialize the authenticator state machine.
aaa port-access supplicant [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST initialize
Reinitialize the supplicant state machine.
[no] aaa port-access web-based ewa-server IP-ADDR
IP address of the enahced web auth server.
35© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
aaaCommand Line Interface Reference Guide