
trunks (p. 600)neighbors-port (p. 574)details (p. 547)
type (p. 600)notify (p. 574)device-priority (p. 548)
type-of-service (p. 601)NOTIFY-NAME (p. 574)dhcp-relay (p. 548)
uninstalled (p. 601)only (p. 574)dhcp-snooping (p. 548)
uplinks (p. 601)option (p. 574)direction (p. 548)
uptime (p. 601)ospf (p. 574)display (p. 549)
user (p. 601)output (p. 575)distributed (p. 549)
USER-NAME (p. 602)PARAM-NAME (p. 575)dns (p. 549)
ver1-2c (p. 602)params (p. 575)domains (p. 549)
ver3 (p. 602)peer (p. 575)dscp-map (p. 549)
version (p. 602)peer-ip (p. 576)dyn-authorization (p. 549)
view (p. 602)pending (p. 576)elected (p. 550)
VIEW-NAME (p. 603)pim (p. 576)enable (p. 550)
virtual-link (p. 603)policy (p. 576)endpoint (p. 550)
virtual-neighbor (p. 603)policy-name (p. 577)engineid (p. 550)
vlan (p. 603)port (p. 577)entries (p. 550)
vlan-id (p. 606)port-access (p. 577)event_class (p. 550)
VLAN-ID (p. 607)portlist (p. 578)external-link-state (p. 550)
vlanNum (p. 607)port-list (p. 578)fan-pref-airflow-dir (p. 551)
vlan-priority (p. 607)portNum (p. 580)fans (p. 551)
vlans (p. 607)port-priority (p. 580)fastboot (p. 551)
vlink-ip (p. 608)ports (p. 580)fault-finder (p. 551)
vneighbor-ip (p. 608)port-security (p. 581)feature-coordinator (p. 551)
vrid (p. 608)port-utilization (p. 581)filename (p. 551)
VRID (p. 608)power-over-ethernet (p. 581)files (p. 551)
vrrp (p. 608)power-supply (p. 582)filter (p. 552)
web-based (p. 609)protocol-priority (p. 582)fingerprint (p. 552)
web-server (p. 610)pvst-filter (p. 582)flash (p. 552)
wireless-services (p. 610)pvst-protection (p. 582)forward-protocol (p. 552)
qinq (p. 582)front-panel-security (p. 553)
show port-access authenticator [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Show information for specied ports only.
Next Available Options:
config -- Show 802.1X authenticator configuration.(p. 540)
statistics -- Show authentication sessions statistics for 802.1X authenticator.(p. 594)
session-counters -- Show 802.1X current (or last if no current sessions open) sessions
counters.(p. 590)
vlan -- Show authorized and unauthorized vlans for 802.1X authenticator.(p. 603)
clients -- Show the current 802.1X client session statistics. (p. 538)
show port-access authenticator clients [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Show information for specied ports only.
Next Available Option:
detailed -- Show the current 802.1X client session detailed statistics. (p. 546)
show port-access supplicant [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Show information for specied ports only.
525© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide