■ pvst-protection -- Show spanning tree PVST protection status information. (p. 582)
■ port-list -- Limit the port information printed to the set of the specified ports. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 578)
■ root-history -- Show spanning tree Root changes history information. (p. 586)
■ cst -- Show CST Root changes history. (p. 544)
■ ist -- Show IST Regional Root changes history. (p. 563)
■ msti < 1 to 16 > -- Show MSTI Regional Root changes history. (NUMBER) (p. 572)
■ traps -- Show spanning tree trap information. (p. 599)
■ show stack -- Show the stack status of this switch (p. 593)
■ all -- Show information about all the stacks available on the LAN. (p. 529)
■ candidates -- Show the list of devices that are stack candidates. (p. 537)
■ view -- Show the list of devices that are stack members. (p. 602)
■ show static-mac -- Show the locked-down MAC addresses in all vlans (p. 594)
■ show statistics -- Show statistics of acl/policy. (p. 594)
■ type < aclv4 > -- (p. 600)
■ acl-name -- Enter the name of acl/policy. (ASCII-STR) (p. 528)
■ port -- Enter the statistics port. ([ethernet] PORT-NUM) (p. 577)
■ vlan -- Enter the statistics vlan. (VLAN-ID) (p. 603)
■ direction < in | out | vlan > -- (p. 548)
■ type < aclv6 > -- (p. 600)
■ acl-name -- Enter the name of acl/policy. (ASCII-STR) (p. 528)
■ port -- Enter the statistics port. ([ethernet] PORT-NUM) (p. 577)
■ vlan -- Enter the statistics vlan. (VLAN-ID) (p. 603)
■ direction < vlan > -- (p. 548)
■ type < policy > -- (p. 600)
■ policy-name -- Enter the name of acl/policy. (ASCII-STR) (p. 577)
■ port -- Enter the statistics port. ([ethernet] PORT-NUM) (p. 577)
■ vlan -- Enter the statistics vlan. (VLAN-ID) (p. 603)
■ direction < in > -- (p. 548)
■ show svlans -- Show status information for all VLANs (p. 597)
■ ports -- Show VLANs that have at least one port from the 'PORT-LIST' as a member. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 580)
■ detail -- Display more info for each port from the 'PORT-LIST' separately. (p. 546)
■ vlan -- Show detailed VLAN information for the VLAN with the ID supplied. (VLAN-ID) (p. 603)
■ show system -- Show global configured and operational system paramaters (default is information)
(p. 597)
■ fan-pref-airflow-dir -- Shows the user configured fan preferred airflow direction (p. 551)
■ fans -- Show system fan status (p. 551)
■ information -- Show global configured and operational system parameters (p. 557)
■ power-supply -- Show Chassis Power Supply info and settings (p. 582)
■ temperature -- Show systems temperatures and settings (p. 598)
■ show tacacs -- Show TACACS status and statistics (p. 597)
■ show tech -- Display output of a predefined command sequence used by technical support (p. 598)
■ all -- Display output of a predefined command sequence used by technical support (p. 529)
■ buffers -- Display output of a predefined command sequence used by technical support (p. 536)
■ custom -- Display output of a predefined command sequence used by technical support (p.
■ instrumentation -- Display output of a predefined command sequence used by technical support
(p. 559)
■ mesh -- Display output of a predefined command sequence used by technical support (p. 569)
■ route -- Display output of a predefined command sequence used by technical support (p. 587)
■ statistics -- Display output of a predefined command sequence used by technical support (p.
522© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide