
vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf transit-delay < 1 to 3600 >
Set transit delay in seconds; the default is 1.
Range: < 1 to 3600 >
vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf IP-ADDR transit-delay < 1 to 3600 >
Set transit delay in seconds; the default is 1.
Range: < 1 to 3600 >
vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf all transit-delay < 1 to 3600 >
Set transit delay in seconds; the default is 1.
Range: < 1 to 3600 >
vlan VLAN-ID ip pim-dense ttl-threshold < 0 to 255 >
Usage: ip pim-dense ttl-threshold <0-255>
Description: Set the Time To Live in a PIM-DM State Refresh message at
which it is not forwarded on this interface. Default is 0.
Range: < 0 to 255 >
vlan VLAN-ID ip mroute ttl-threshold < 0 to 255 >
Usage: ip mroute ttl-threshold <0-255>
Description: Set the multicast datagram TTL threshold for the interface.
Any IP multicast datagrams with a TTL less than this threshold
will not be forwarded out the interface. The default value of 0
means all multicast packets are forwarded out the interface.
Range: < 0 to 255 >
[no] vlan VLAN-ID ip forward-protocol udp
Usage: [no] ip forward-protocol udp IP-ADDR PORT-NUM|PORT-NAME
Description: Add or remove a UDP server address for the VLAN. The
broadcast packets received by the switch on this VLAN are to
be forwarded to the specied application server.
This is a VLAN context command. It can be called directly
from the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID'
Next Available Option:
ip-addr -- IP address of the protocol server. (IP-ADDR) (p. 729)
vlan VLAN-ID connection-rate-filter unblock
Resets a host previously blocked by the connection rate lter
749© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
vlanCommand Line Interface Reference Guide