
Set limits for all inbound trafc.
Next Available Options:
percent < 0 to 100 > -- Specify limit as percent of inbound or outbound traffic.(p. 258)
kbps < 0 to 10000000 > -- Specify limit of allowed inbound or outbound traffic in
kilobits-per-second on the specified port(s). Actual limits are in steps of 100Kbps to 100Mbps
(granularity is 1% of the lowest related media speed). (p. 246)
[no] interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST rate-limit bcast in
Set limits for inbound broadcast trac.
Next Available Option:
percent < 0 to 100 > -- (p. 258)
[no] interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST rate-limit mcast in
Set limits for inbound multicast trac
Next Available Option:
percent < 0 to 100 > -- (p. 258)
[no] interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST ipv6 access-group ACCESS-GROUP in
Match inbound packets.
[no] interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST service-policy SERVICE-POLICY in
Apply policy on inbound packets.
[no] interface vlan VLAN-ID service-policy SERVICE-POLICY in
Apply policy on inbound packets.
interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST qos dscp < 0 to 63 >
Specify the DSCP code-point in decimal.
Range: < 0 to 63 >
interface vlan VLAN-ID qos dscp < 0 to 63 >
Specify the DSCP code-point in decimal.
Range: < 0 to 63 >
interface svlan VLAN-ID qos dscp < 0 to 63 >
Specify the DSCP code-point in decimal.
Range: < 0 to 63 >
[no] interface vlan VLAN-ID vrrp vrid < 1 to 255 > track interface
239© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide