
Range: < 0 to 9999999 >
aaa port-access mac-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST reauth-period < 0 to 9999999 >
Set the re-authentication timeout in seconds; set to '0' to disable re-authentication
(default 0).
Range: < 0 to 9999999 >
aaa port-access web-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST reauth-period < 0 to 9999999 >
Set the re-authentication timeout in seconds; set to '0' to disable re-authentication
(default 0).
Range: < 0 to 9999999 >
[no] aaa port-access web-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST redirect-url
Set the URL that the user should be redirected to after successful login (default
none), Specify url up to 103 characters length.
Next Available Option:
web-redirect-url -- Set the URL that the user should be redirected to after successful login
(default none), Specify url up to 103 characters length. (ASCII-STR) (p. 58)
aaa authentication console enable < local | tacacs | radius > < local | none | authorized >
Specify the backup authentication method for access control.
Supported Values:
local -- Use local switch user/password database.
none -- Do not use backup authentication methods.
authorized -- Allow access without authentication.
aaa authentication console login < local | tacacs | radius > < local | none | authorized >
Specify the backup authentication method for access control.
Supported Values:
local -- Use local switch user/password database.
none -- Do not use backup authentication methods.
authorized -- Allow access without authentication.
aaa authentication telnet enable < local | tacacs | radius > < local | none | authorized >
Specify the backup authentication method for access control.
Supported Values:
local -- Use local switch user/password database.
none -- Do not use backup authentication methods.
authorized -- Allow access without authentication.
aaa authentication telnet login < local | tacacs | radius > < local | none | authorized >
Specify the backup authentication method for access control.
Supported Values:
local -- Use local switch user/password database.
48© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
aaaCommand Line Interface Reference Guide