Summarize routes matching address/MASK pair.
Next Available Options:
■ ip -- Specify IP address/MASK pair. (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 481)
■ no-advertise -- Do not advertise the range outside the area.(p. 482)
■ type < summary | nssa > -- Link state database type to apply the range.(p. 491)
■ [no] router ospf area backbone range
Summarize routes matching address/MASK pair.
Next Available Options:
■ ip -- Specify IP address/MASK pair. (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 481)
■ no-advertise -- Do not advertise the range outside the area.(p. 482)
■ type < summary | nssa > -- Link state database type to apply the range.(p. 491)
■ [no] router ospf redistribute < connected | static | rip >
Usage: [no] redistribute <static|connected|rip>
Description: Specify source protocols which will be redistributed
into OSPF. Use the [no] form of the command to disable
redistribution of the specied protocol.
o static -- redistribute from manually congured routes.
o connected -- redistribute from locally connected network(s).
o rip -- redistribute from RIP routes.
Supported Values:
■ connected
■ static
■ rip
■ [no] router rip redistribute < connected | static | ospf >
Usage: [no] redistribute <static|connected|ospf>
Description: Specify source protocols which will be redistributed
into RIP. Use the [no] form of the command to disable
redistribution of the specied protocol.
o static -- redistribute manually congured routes.
o connected -- redistribute locally connected network(s).
o ospf -- redistribute OSPF routes.
Supported Values:
■ connected
■ static
■ ospf
■ router ospf restrict
485© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
routerCommand Line Interface Reference Guide