Reboot wireless-services module.
■ wireless-services SLOT-ID shutdown
Shutdown (halt) the wireless-services module.
■ wireless-services SLOT-ID tech
Enter the conguration context for the wireless-services module.
■ wireless-services SLOT-ID
Usage: wireless-services <SLOT-ID> [<reload|shutdown>]
Description: Congure parameters for the wireless-services module or
change the module's state (reload or shutdown).
o <SLOT-ID> - Congure parameters for the wireless-services module.
o <SLOT-ID> reload - Reboot wireless-services module.
o <SLOT-ID> shutdown - Shutdown (halt) the wireless-services module.
Next Available Options:
■ diagnostic-restart -- Reboot wireless-services module into diagnostic partition. (p. 757)
■ reload -- Reboot wireless-services module. (p. 757)
■ shutdown -- Shutdown (halt) the wireless-services module. (p. 758)
■ tech -- Enter the configuration context for the wireless-services module. (p. 758)
■ config -- (ASCII-STR) (p. 757)
758© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
wireless-servicesCommand Line Interface Reference Guide