■ vlan VLAN-ID connection-rate-filter unblock host IP-ADDR
Match packets from the specied IP address.
■ [no] vlan VLAN-ID ip igmp
Usage: [no] ip igmp [...]
Description: Enable/disable/congure IP Multicast Group Protocol (IGMP)
feature on a VLAN. This command enables, disables or
congures the IGMP feature for IGMP communication between
Multicast Routers, Multicast Servers, and Multicast Clients
connected to the device. This is a VLAN context command. It
can be called directly from the VLAN context or may follow
the 'vlan VLAN-ID' command prex. If not preceded by 'no',
the command accepts a variety of conguration parameters. To
get a list of all available parameters use 'ip igmp ?'. To
get detailed help for a parameter follow it with 'help'
Next Available Options:
■ querier -- Specify querier/non-querier capability for the VLAN(p. 744)
■ high-priority-forward -- Enable/disable the high priority forwarding of traffic for subscribed IP
Multicast groups(p. 726)
■ auto -- Instruct the device to monitor incoming multicast traffic on the specified ports (this is
the default behavior) ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 719)
■ blocked -- Instruct the device to drop incoming multicast packets received on the specified
ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 720)
■ fastleave -- Enables or disables IGMP Fast Leaves ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 723)
■ forcedfastleave -- When enabled, this feature forces IGMP Fast Leaves to occur even when the
port is cascaded ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 724)
■ forward -- Instruct the device to forward incoming multicast packets received on the specified
ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 724)
■ [no] vlan VLAN-ID igmp-proxy
Usage: [no] igmp-proxy DOMAIN-NAME
Description: Associate an IGMP proxy domain with a VLAN.
If the 'no' keyword is used:
If the DOMAIN-NAME is left blank, all the domains
associated with the respective VLAN will be disassociated.
If a DOMAIN-NAME is specied, The specied domain will
be disassociated from the respecive VLAN.
If the 'no' keyword is not used:
If the DOMAIN-NAME matches the domain name of an
existing domain, the respective domain will be associated
with the respective VLAN.
Next Available Option:
■ domain-name < END OF PRINTABLE > -- Specify the domain name to associate/disassociate
with the VLAN. (ASCII-STR) (p. 722)
727© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
vlanCommand Line Interface Reference Guide