Default: 1
■ traceroute6 IPV6-ADDR probes < 1 to 5 >
Number of times a traceroute is performed to locate the IPv6 device
at any hop in the route to the specied host before the operation
times out. <1-5>.
Range: < 1 to 5 >
Default: 3
■ traceroute6 HOST-NAME probes < 1 to 5 >
Number of times a traceroute is performed to locate the IPv6 device
at any hop in the route to the specied host before the operation
times out. <1-5>.
Range: < 1 to 5 >
Default: 3
■ traceroute6 source
Source address or VLAN.
Next Available Options:
■ vlan -- Source VLAN. (VLAN-ID) (p. 698)
■ ip-addr -- Source IPv6 address. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 696)
■ traceroute6 IPV6-ADDR timeout < 1 to 120 >
Number of seconds within which a response is required from the IPv6
device at each hop in the route to the destination host before the
traceroute operation times out. <1-120>.
Range: < 1 to 120 >
Default: 5 seconds
■ traceroute6 HOST-NAME timeout < 1 to 120 >
Number of seconds within which a response is required from the IPv6
device at each hop in the route to the destination host before the
traceroute operation times out. <1-120>.
Range: < 1 to 120 >
Default: 5 seconds
■ traceroute6 source VLAN-ID
Source VLAN.
698© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
traceroute6Command Line Interface Reference Guide