may have improved performance after rebooting the switch
Next Available Option:
■ unblock -- Resets a host previously blocked by the connection rate filter (p. 281)
■ interface svlan VLAN-ID connection-rate-filter
Usage: connection-rate-lter unblock < host SRC-IP-ADDR | SRC-IP-ADDRESS/mask
[no] connection-rate-lter sensitivity <low|medium|high|aggressive>
Description: Re-enables access to a host or set of hosts that has been previously
blocked by the connection rate lter. Disabling or setting sensitivity
may have improved performance after rebooting the switch
Next Available Option:
■ unblock -- Resets a host previously blocked by the connection rate filter (p. 281)
■ interface loopback < 0 to 7 > ip ospf IP-ADDR cost < 1 to 65535 >
Set metric of this interface.
Range: < 1 to 65535 >
■ interface loopback < 0 to 7 > ip ospf all cost < 1 to 65535 >
Set metric of this interface.
Range: < 1 to 65535 >
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf cost < 1 to 65535 >
Set metric of this interface.
Range: < 1 to 65535 >
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf IP-ADDR cost < 1 to 65535 >
Set metric of this interface.
Range: < 1 to 65535 >
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf all cost < 1 to 65535 >
Set metric of this interface.
Range: < 1 to 65535 >
■ interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST qinq port-type customer-network
Congure qinq port-type as customer-network
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf dead-interval < 1 to 65535 >
229© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide