Range: < 0 to 65535 >
■ spanning-tree clear-debug-counters
Clear spanning tree debug counters.
Next Available Options:
■ instance < 0 to 16 > -- Clear spanning tree instance debug counters. (NUMBER) (p. 643)
■ ports -- Clear spanning tree port(s) debug counters. ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 651)
■ [no] spanning-tree config-name
Set the MST region conguration name (default is switch's MAC address).
Next Available Option:
■ config-name -- Specify the configuration name (maximum 32 characters). (ASCII-STR) (p. 642)
■ spanning-tree config-name CONFIG-NAME
Specify the conguration name (maximum 32 characters).
■ [no] spanning-tree pending config-name
Set the pending MST region conguration name (default is switch's MAC address).
Next Available Option:
■ config-name -- Specify the configuration name (maximum 32 characters). (ASCII-STR) (p. 642)
■ spanning-tree pending config-name CONFIG-NAME
Specify the conguration name (maximum 32 characters).
■ spanning-tree config-revision < 0 to 65535 >
Set the MST region conguration revision number (default is 0).
Range: < 0 to 65535 >
■ spanning-tree pending config-revision < 0 to 65535 >
Set the pending MST region conguration revision number (default is 0).
Range: < 0 to 65535 >
■ spanning-tree force-version < STP-compatible | RSTP-operation >
Set Spanning Tree protocol compatibility mode.
Supported Values:
■ STP-compatible -- The protocol operates as STP on all ports.
642© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
spanning-treeCommand Line Interface Reference Guide