■ [no] lldp enable-notification -- Set the port for which notification should be enabled ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 356)
■ lldp fast-start-count < 1 to 10 > -- Set MED fast-start count in seconds (NUMBER) (p. 357)
■ lldp holdtime-multiplier < 2 to 10 > -- Set holdtime-multipler between <2-10>; the default is 4
(NUMBER) (p. 357)
■ lldp refresh-interval < 5 to 32768 > -- Set refresh interval/transmit-interval in seconds (NUMBER)
(p. 358)
■ [no] lldp run -- Start or Stop LLDP on device (p. 358)
■ [no] lldp top-change-notify -- Set the port for which LLDP MED topology notification should be
enabled ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 359)
medPortLocation (p. 357)COUNTRY (p. 356)addr (p. 353)
medTlvEnable (p. 357)dot1TlvEnable (p. 356)admin-status (p. 353)
omodes (p. 358)dot3TlvEnable (p. 356)auto (p. 353)
radio-ports (p. 358)elin-addr (p. 356)auto-provision (p. 353)
refresh-interval (p. 358)enable-notification (p. 356)auto-vlan (p. 354)
run (p. 358)fast-start-count (p. 357)basicTlvEnable (p. 354)
top-change-notify (p. 359)holdtime-multiplier (p. 357)CA-TYPE (p. 354)
vlan-base (p. 359)ipAddrEnable (p. 357)CA-VALUE (p. 354)
vlan-name (p. 359)lldp-ip (p. 357)civic-addr (p. 355)
WHAT (p. 359)lldp-ipv6 (p. 357)config (p. 355)
■ lldp config [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST medPortLocation elin-addr OCTET-STR
Specify the Location name to be advertised.
■ lldp admin-status [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Usage: lldp admin-status <port-list> <txonly | rxonly
tx_rx | disable>
Description: Set the port in one of the operational mode
transmit | receive | transmit & receive |
disable the port.
Next Available Option:
■ omodes < TxOnly | RxOnly | Tx_Rx | ... > -- Set the operational mode: transmit | receive |
transmit-receive | disable. (NUMBER) (p. 358)
■ lldp auto-provision radio-ports auto-vlan < 2 to 4094 > auto
■ lldp auto-provision
Usage:[no] lldp auto-provision radio-ports [suggested-auto-vlan|auto-vlan]
353© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
lldpCommand Line Interface Reference Guide