no specic MAC address lter on the port.
The default is no client limit.
o 'initialize' re-initialize authentication on the specied
ports. That is, 'initialize' blocks inbound and outbound
trafc and restarts the authentication process on the
specied ports that are congured with 'control auto' (see
the 'control' parameter, described above) and actively
operating as authenticators.
o 'reauthenticate' forces re-authentication (unless the
authenticator is in 'HELD' state).
o 'mac-addr' allows to specify which client needs to be forced
o 'clear-statistics' clears authenticator statistics
Next Available Options:
■ PORT-LIST -- Manage 802.1X on the device port(s). ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 43)
■ active -- Activate/deactivate 802.1X authenticator.(p. 27)
■ aaa authorization
Usage: [no] aaa authorization <commands> <radius>
Description: Congure authorization parameters on the switch.
Next Available Option:
■ commands -- Configure exec (shell) commands authorization. (p. 31)
■ aaa port-access supplicant [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST auth-timeout < 1 to 300 >
Set the challenge reception timeout (default 30sec.).
Range: < 1 to 300 >
■ [no] aaa port-access authenticator [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST auth-vid
Congures VLAN where to move port after successful authentication (not congured
by default).
Next Available Option:
■ VLAN-ID -- Configures VLAN where to move port after successful authentication (not configured
by default). (VLAN-ID) (p. 54)
■ [no] aaa port-access mac-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST auth-vid
Congures VLAN where to move port after successful authentication (not congured
by default).
30© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
aaaCommand Line Interface Reference Guide