MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 105
Health Events
\t[SDR Sensor Name]\t[Health Event String]: [Event Type]\n\n
• Timestamp is in the format: [Day] [Month] [Date] [HH:MM:SS] [Year]. For example,
Thu Dec 11 22:20:03 2003
• SDR Sensor Name is the name given to the sensor in the Sensor Data Record (SDR).
• Health Event Strings are listed in Section 11.4.
• Event Type is either “Assertion Event” or “Deassertion Event” stating whether it is an event
that is being asserted or one that is being deasserted. This is not applied to threshold-based
sensor events since the string already states event type.
11.1.3 SEL Sensor Types
The following table describes the Sensor Types supported on the CMM and the Sensor Type Codes
used for SEL entries.
Note: When entering event codes to associate action scripts, the decimal value should be used. The hex
values are given for reference only.
11.1.4 SNMP Trap Event Syntax
The following is the syntax of each SNMP trap for an associated event:
Time : [TimeStamp] , Location : [ChassisLocation] , Chassis Serial # :
[ChassisSN] , Board : [Location] , Sensor : [SDR Sensor Name] , Event :
[Health Event String]: [Event Type} , Event Code : [Event Code]
Table 32. CMM SEL Sensor Information
Sensor Name
Sensor Type Code
Hex Decimal
Temperature 01h 1
Threshold exceeded for upper critical, upper noncritical, lower
critical and lower non-critical thresholds. Refer to Table 31, “CMM
Voltage and Temp Sensor Thresholds” on page 102 for sensor
thresholds data.
Voltage 02h 2
Voltage exceeded upper critical, upper non-critical, lower critical
and lower non-critical thresholds. Refer to Table 31, “CMM
Voltage and Temp Sensor Thresholds” on page 102 for sensor
thresholds data.
Filter Run Time 0xC0 192 Filter Run Time
CMM Redundancy 0xD1 209
CMM Redundancy Sensor Type. Several event types are
classified under this sensor type and can use the same event
offsets for generating events. Refer to table below.
BIST 0xD8 216 Built-In Self Test Sensor
CMM Status 0xD9 217 CMM Status ready or not ready sensor type
PMS Fault 0xDA 218 Sensor type for Process Monitoring events
PMS Info 0xDB 219 Target for PMS global data
FRU Hot Swap 0xF0 240 AdvancedTCA* Hot Swap Sensor
IPMB-0 Snsr [1-16] 0xF1 241 IPMB 0 sensors
Datasync Status 0xDE 222 Datasync Status Sensor